By Kthanid

            With input from SerenaSavage



            Chapter 6 :  Breakfast At Serena's


Serena rushed about her kitchen and dining area

getting things set up for her breakfast with

Martin.  She still wore her sheer, moth-silk

nightgown.  She knew it would absolutely fluster

Martin to see her clad in the oh so revealing

cloth...But, in truth, she had more on the menu

this morning than pancakes.  Her faerie friend

flitted about, helping out where she could.  She

paused at the sound of a knock at the front door.

"That must be him," She said with a smile.

She walked quickly to the door.  Smiling a

seductive smile and fluffing her hair, she opened

the door.

"'Mornin', Serena," Randy said with a broad

grin as he took in Serena's attire hungrily.

"Oh!  Hi Randy," Serena said, feeling only a

slight twinge of embarrassment.

"I found a friend of yours in the forest this

morning," Randy said as his eyes continued to

devour her.

"Really?" Serena asked.  "Who?"

Binky leapt out from behind Randy with a

cheerful 'Howdy'.

"BINKY!  Oh my gosh!" Serena exclaimed as the

two friends embraced.  "What are you doing here?"

"Well, y'all told me ta come and visit yuh,


"I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"Rutwell is all so beautiful," Binky said. 

"Just like y'all described it.  But yuh left out

one minor detail."

"Y'all didn't tell me how handsome the Male

fuhs were in Rutwell," Binky said with a smile as

she scratched under Randy's chin.

Randy grinned sheepishly.  Serena smirked.

"Well why don't you both come right in," Serena

said.  "I've got breakfast on the table and I'm

waiting for Martin...He should be here soon."

"We'd be happy to," Randy said, gesturing for

Binky to go in first.  "After you, Ladyfur."

"Why thank yuh, suh," Binky said with a coy

smile as she went in.

Randy followed and closed the door behind them. 

The faerie flew up and landed on top of Serena's

head, smiling at Binky.

"Oh mah Stars!" Binky exclaimed, pointing at

the faerie.  "Whut the heck is that?"

The faerie mouse zipped over to hover in front

of Binky's face, a sly grin on her face.  She

leaned forward and kissed Binky on the nose.  Binky

giggled as the fairy's whiskers tickled her nose. 

The faerie alighted on Binky's chest and pushed a

foot experimentally between the bunny's cleavage.

"Whot's this li'l bug doing?" Binky asked,

somewhat alarmed at the faeries actions.

Flashing a grin at Serena, the faerie snuggled

down between Binky's breasts.

"Friendly, isn't she?" Randy observed.

"Ah'll say," Binky agreed.

The faerie snuggled in, warm and happy. 

Serena, a little embarrassed by the fairy's rather

forward behavior, tried changing the subject.

"...Anyway...Please sit down," Serena said. 

"When Martin gets here we can all eat.  I have some

things to finish up in the kitchen."

Serena went to the kitchen.  Randy and Binky

sat down on the couch, Randy keeping a respectful

distance, though with some difficulty.  Binky

looked about the house.

"Lovely place," she commented.

"Yeah," Randy agreed.  "Amanda really did a

nice job on it."


"She's Rutwell Forest's resident carpenter,"

Randy explained.  "She can build just about

anything...And a few things that might surprise

you.  Serena's met just about everyone in the

forest.  She can introduce you around, I'm sure."

Randy suddenly chuckled softly with a glance at

the kitchen.

"Martin is going to just absolutely croak," he

said with a sly grin.

"Why is that?" Binky asked.

"When he sees that sexy little nothing Serena's

almost wearing," Randy said, his grin broadening. 

"You'll see what I mean."

As if on cue, there came a knock on the door.

"Randy, could you get that?" Serena called from

the kitchen.  "It might be Martin."

"Sure thing, Serena," Randy said cheerfully. 

"He...uhh...He isn't still hostile, is he?"

"I should hope not," Serena answered.

Randy hopped over to the door and opened it. 

Sure enough, Martin stood on the porch, looking

somewhat confused to find Randy there.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Martin asked.

"Relax, Martin," Randy smiled pleasantly.  "I

just showed a friend of Serena's where she lived

and got invited to breakfast.  Come on in and I'll

introduce ya."

"Good morning, luv," Serena said, poking her

head out of the kitchen.

"H-hi, Serena," Martin said as Randy escorted

him over to the couch.

"Binky, this is Martin," Randy said.  "Martin,


"P-pleased to meet you m-miss..." Martin

noticed the faerie held between Binky's breasts and

quickly looked directly into Binky's eyes. 

"...Miss Binky."

"Howdy, y'all," Binky said cheerfully.

"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes,"

Serena announced as she came out of the kitchen,

her sheer nightgown flowing and clinging

provocatively about her.  Martin turned and beheld

this sexy vision.  He trembled as nervous sweat

popped off his head.  He felt his Minkhood strain

at the confines of his pants and turned away to

avoid having Serena see it.  Too late, he realized,

that he turned to face Binky.  who, being seated on

the couch, got a full on, close up view of Martin's

tightly tented pants.

"Oh mah stars!" Binky exclaimed, her eyes

widening at the sight before her.

She blushed and looked up at the ceiling. 

Martin Blushed brightly and covered his condition

with his hands.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered.  "I'm so sorry!"

Martin bolted for the bathroom and slammed the

door behind him.  Randy Burst out laughing.

"Oh dear," Serena said.  Then, throwing a glare

at Randy, "It's NOT funny!"

Randy tried to get his laughter under control

with only limited success while Serena rushed over

to the bathroom door.

"Y-you're right," Randy chuckled.  "It's not


After throwing another scowl at Randy, Serena

knocked softly on the door.

"Martin?" she called softly.  "May I come in?"

"I'm sorry, Serena," Martin whimpered on the

other side of the door.  "I didn't mean to...."

Serena went into the bathroom and closed the

door behind her.  Martin was sitting on the toilet

looking thoroughly miserable.

"It's all right," Serena assured him.

She kissed him tenderly.

"I messed up again," he said.  "She's gonna

think I'm some kind of s-s-s-s...Fiend."

"No she won't," Serena said softly.

"But I turned my...My...Right there in front of

her f-f-face!"

Serena put her arms around him and held him

close, trying to console him.  Martin trembled in

her arms, but the trembling began to subside.  He

lay his head on her shoulder.  She caressed his

back.  He sighed softly and licked at her throat,

until he caught himself doing it and sat suddenly

straight up.

"I-I'll be f-f-fine," he said unconvincingly. 

"Th-th-thanks, Serena."

Serena kissed him deeply.  Martin melted into

the kiss, all his nervousness draining from him. 

At length Serena broke the kiss and smiled at him.

"Feel better now?" She asked.

"Yes?" Martin squeaked.

Serena giggled.  Martin smiled and nodded.

"All right then, let's go eat."

Serena and Martin rejoined the two rabbits.

"I'll set the table," Serena headed toward the


Serena took out plates and place settings for

four and turned to find Randy walking up behind


"Here," He said, taking the plates and cutlery

from her.  "Please, allow me."

"Uhhh...okay," Serena said, blinking in

momentary confusion.

She took the warm plate of pancakes from the

oven and gathered up the breakfast condiments.  As

she entered the dining area, she saw Randy holding

a chair for Binky.  Serena set out the breakfast

things.  Martin started over to hold Serena's

chair, but Randy hopped over and beat him to it.

"I'm not quite done yet, dear," Serena said. 

"Martin? would you help me with the beverages?"

Martin smiled and nodded as he followed Serena

out into the kitchen.  They returned with milk and

orange juice a few moments later.  After setting

out the drinks, Martin scurried over to hold

Serena's chair.  Serena sat with a pleasant 'thank-

you'.  Martin threw a smug smile at Randy.

The faerie poked her head up and sniffed at the

air.  She crawled out from her 'nest' and flitted

over to the table.

"It smells great, Serena," Randy said.

"Thank you," Serena said with a smile.  "Help


Martin started reaching for the pancakes, but

then noticed Randy was waiting patiently and sat

back in his chair.  Serena began to notice the

competition between Randy and Martin to impress

her.  She smiled and helped herself to two pancakes

before handing the plate to Martin.  Martin helped

himself and passed the plate to Binky who passed

the plate to Randy after helping herself.  Once

Randy had returned the plate to the table, the

faerie mouse marched over to it, hefted a pancake

and dragged it over to Serena's plate.  She then

tried to drag the bottle of Syrup over, with less

than poor results. 

Serena ducked out into the kitchen and returned

with a plate for the faerie and helped her with the

Syrup.  Randy and Martin waited for the ladyfurs to

make use of the condiments before helping

themselves, almost falling over each other in their

efforts to be polite if they reached for the same

thing.  The girls looked to each other in bemused

confusion at the behavior of the males.

As the meal continued Randy kept up the

conversation while Martin could only fidget in

nervous silence.

"So how do you like your new place, Serena," he


"I love it," Serena said.  "It's very cozy."

"You said you were just visiting, Binky?"

"Thas raght," Binky replied.

"That is a pity," Randy said sincerely.

"Why's that?" Binky asked.

"Because, visits always come to an end," Randy

said with a slightly sad smile.

Binky smiled shyly at Randy.

"I heard we're due for a storm tonight," Randy


"Really?" Binky asked.  "When Ah hopped in this

morning the skah was cleah."

"Storms blow up pretty quickly here when we get

them," Randy explained.  "Cleo said one should be

rolling in around dusk."

"Really...?" Serena said a little nervously.

"Well then, Randy," Binky said.  "Why don't

y'all show me around th' forest befo' then?"

"I would be delighted, ladyfur," Randy said.

"Won't Y'all come along, sugah gal?"

"No thank you, Binky," Serena said, throwing a

smile at Martin.  "Martin and I will stay behind

and clean up."

"Suit yuhself," Binky said.

"Aww, c'mon, Serena," Randy said.  "After all,

she is your friend and she did come here to see


"Dun' fret none about it Shugah-bun," Binky

said glancing between Martin and Serena.  "Let her

do as she pleases.  Ah'll just tag along with


"As you wish," Randy said with a smile.

"I'll just clear up the dishes," Serena said as

she rose to her feet.

"Please, allow me," Randy said as he hopped to

his feet and began gathering up the tableware.

Martin almost sulked, his mouth half open from

attempting to volunteer the same service, but too

late.  After clearing the dishes, Randy joined

Binky as she headed for Serena's front door.

"You two have fun now," Serena said.  "And stay

out of trouble.  If anything happens to her, Randy

...Your tail is mine."

It took all of Randy's meager self control not

to blurt out any one of the dozen or so sexual

innuendoes or off color remarks that flashed to the

forefront of his mind. 

"'Happen to her'?" Randy asked with an innocent

smile.  "Why whatever do you mean, Serena?"

"You just make sure she stays out of trouble,"

Serena smirked.

Randy smiled and offered his hand to Binky as

he opened the door for her.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Thank you kahndly," Binky said, taking his

hand and starting out the door.

"Thanks for Breakfast," Randy called as he

escorted Binky out.

"You're welcome," Serena called as the door

closed behind them.

She smiled and turned to Martin, a seductive

smile on her lips.

"Alone at last?" she giggled.

Martin smiled a little smile but looked


"H-he's doing it again," He said.  "I...I know

I p-promised not t-to be jealous...But...."

"But what?" Serena asked as she walked over to


"D-do you l-like him?" Martin asked suddenly.

"As a friend," Serena replied, smiling and

kissing him softly on the cheek.  "Nothing more,

nothing less."

"N-not as a...I mean...When he and you...I mean

IF he and you...." Martin tried to phrase his

question politely but only managed to become

flustered and embarrassed.

"You can say it," Serena urged him.

"...When he h-h-had s-s-s-s-sex w-with y-y-


"What about it?" Serena asked.

She did enjoy sex with Randy...once she got

past his almost blatant attitude on the subject. 

But she loved Martin.  It wasn't just mindless

rutting for the pure pleasure of it with Martin, it

was something more.

"He c-c-can t-talk t-to you," Martin stuttered. 

"I...I can't g-g-get out th-three words out without

s-s-sounding ridiculous."

Serena put her arms around Martin's neck and

kisses his nose.

"It's all right," She purred softly.  "If I had

to choose between you and Randy, I'd pick you. 

Randy's a nice fur and all but he's too forward for

my tastes."

"I...I won't make you pick," Martin said.

"I'm just telling you now," Serena said before

kissing his lips tenderly.

Martin pulled back and looked down, a panicked

look on his face. 

"What's the matter?" Serena asked.

The sound of Martin's fly being unzipped drew

her attention downward.  She saw the faerie finish

undoing Martin's pants.  Martin made a grab for his

pants as they slipped off his hips but he was a

moment too late.  His pants dropped around his

ankles, exposing his minkhood as it just peeped out

of its fuzzy sheath.  Martin blushed crimson.

"That wasn't very nice," Serena scolded the


The fearie flew up in front of Serena's face. 

She smiled and bowed, gesturing for Serena to take

over.  Martin tried to scramble around behind the

couch.  He tripped on his pants and fell over the

back of the couch, his tail flopping up over his


"Are you okay, Luv?" Serena asked as she

hurried over to help him up.

"Uhhh, yeah," Martin said quickly as he hiked

up his pants.  "I'm sorry."

"It's all right," Serena said, shooting a

withering glare at the faerie.  "It wasn't your


The faerie giggled and looked as innocent as

she possibly could.  Serena shook her head.

"Come on, Martin," Serena said once Martin had

secured his pants.  "You can help me with the


Serena and Martin set about washing the

breakfast things, Serena washing and Martin drying.

Serena glanced at Martin out of the corner of her

eye with a mischievous grin.  She turned and blew a

handful of soap suds at him.

"Hey!" Martin said with a grin on his lips. 

"No fair!"

"What?" Serena asked innocently.

Martin scooped up a handful of bubbles from the

sink and brushed them off on her nose.  Serena

wrinkled her nose and smiled cutely.  She scooped

up some more bubbles and plopped them on Martin's


"There," she said.  "That should work."

Martin's expression turned serious and he

stepped toward her, looking intently into her

eyes...Then sculpted a 'beard' of bubbles on her

face.  Serena blinked in surprise.

"Ho, ho, ho," she grinned before sculpting a

bubble beard on Martin's muzzle.

They blew bubbles at each other, their tails

swishing playfully behind them as they played.  A

short while later, both wearing clumps of soap suds

and giggling happily, they settled down to

finishing the dishes.

"B-Binky seems nice," Martin said as he

finished drying the last dish.

"She is," Serena said, taking the towel from

Martin and wiping the soap from her fur.  "I love

her dearly.  She's been my best friend since we

were kitlings."

"D-do you think sh-she'll be safe w-with


"Well, if not," Serena said, a twinge of

genuine concern in her voice.  "I know a certain

rabbit who won't hear the end of it."

"Randy is always getting in trouble," Martin

said.  "Even when we were Kit Scouts.  He got

kicked out."

"Oh?" Serena asked.  "Why?"

"I'm not sure," Martin said.  "I think it had

something to do with the Campfire Kits...Girls...

camped across the lake.  What about you and Binky?"

"We were riots," Serena smiled.  "I was a tom-

boy when I was a kitling.  I used to pick fights

with the boys just for fun.  Binky and I used to

play pranks and get in all sorts of trouble."

Martin looked shocked.

"What?" Serena asked.  "Not what you expected

of a ladyfur like myself?"

"But you're such a nice ladyfur..."

"I've been getting into mischief since I could

crawl.  From the time I was a kitling I would climb

trees all the way to the top...Of course getting

down was another story...heheh."

"I-I've always tried to stay out of trouble and

be a good fur," Martin said.  "But Randy kept

getting trouble.  Once, Olivia's mom

caught, I couldn't sit down for a


"I know what that's like," Serena said with a

slight smile.  "My mother wanted to raise me like a

lady...But I took mostly after my father."

"Y-you got in trouble a lot?"

"Oh yes," Serena giggled.  "I used to bring

home all sorts of "Gifts" for my mother.  Oh, she

hated it!"

"'Gifts'?" Martin asked.

"Oh, slimy green or brown crawly things,"

Serena smiled.

"Oh," Martin shivered.

"My mother's reaction exactly," Serena

chuckled.  "Except she screamed and shrieked."

Having finished cleaning up the kitchen, Martin

and Serena went out and sat down on the couch.

"So what else did Randy do when you were kits?"

Serena asked.

"H-he and Olivia...ummm...they, uh..." Martin

stammered as nervous sweat beaded up on his head.

"They what, silly?" Serena prodded.

"They taught to...ummm...about b-boys

and g-g-g-girls."

"The Birds and the Bees?" Serena asked.

"Oh no," Martin said quickly.  "The rabbits and

otters and m-m-minks.  I...I don't think a bird

could d-d-do...ummm...THAT...with a b-b-bee."

"It's just a saying," Serena giggle as Martin's

cheeks flushed crimson.  "My parents told me about

it when I was six."

"Oh," Martin said...clearly embarrassed. 

"I...I was thirteen.  Th-that's when Olivia's mom

caught us.  I know we shouldn't have been...Been

doing...ummm...But Randy and Olivia were so


"Did you get in trouble?"

"Yeah," Martin said.  "She paddled all three of

us.  It's funny, but I remember that Olivia always

smiled when she got paddled.  But anyway, When I

got home, I got paddled again."

"Oh my," Serena said as she snuggled up against


"I try to be a good fur...But I'm always

messing up."

"You don't mess up," Serena soothed.

She kissed his neck as a low rumbling purr grew

in her upper chest.  Martin smiled as he listened

to the soothing sound.  Serena smiled and lay her

head on his shoulder.  She gently stroked his

chest.  Martin sighed contentedly and caressed her

shoulder with one arm and held her snugly with the

other.  They kissed and cuddled and touched

caressed each other unhurriedly, each enjoying and

being enjoyed by the other.  Serena looked warmly

into Martin's eyes.

"Have I told you I love you today?" she asked.

Martin shook his head.

"I...I l-love you t-too," he said.

They kissed passionately. 

Serena pulled Martin down onto her as she lay

back on the couch.  Martin held her tightly,

holding their kiss.  Serena slowly released the

kiss and licked at Martin's throat.  Martin raised

his chin, baring his throat to her.  She kissed and

suckled on his throat causing the mink to sigh and

make soft whimpering sounds in his throat.  Serena

caressed down over her his back and over his rump

to stroke his tail.  Martin sighed, his flanks

trembling.  Serena moved her hands to the front of

Martin's pants.  Martin licked gently at her

muzzle.  Serena opened Martin's jeans and pulled

his aroused minkhood from within, gently rubbing

her fingers along it's length.  Martin whimpered

softly and licked more urgently at Serena's muzzle

and cheeks.  His hips twitched, reflexively humping

against her hand.  She smiled and fondled his furry

sack, drawing a soft groan from him.

Trembling all over, Martin cupped one of

Serena's breasts, caressing and squeezing it

through the thin, mothsilk fabric.  His other hand

caressed over her belly, over her hip and down her

thigh.  Serena smiled as the hand on her thigh

began to move upward along her thigh again, pulling

the hem of her nightgown up along with it.  Martin

slipped his hand under the nightgown and ran his

fingers upward through the soft fur on her inner

thigh.  He paused just shy of her bare, furry


"Is...Is this okay?" he asked, his fingers

trembling on her flesh.

"MmmHmmm," Serena nodded and purred.

Martin tickled the fur on her mound, brushing

his fingers across it.  Serena giggled, enjoying

Martin's playful teasing.  He gently caressed her

mound, playing with her labia and running one

finger between them to brush lightly over her clit.

"Oh, Martin!" Serena moaned.

Martin slipped his finger through her slit,

down through her soft, sensitive female folds to

teasingly circle her vaginal entrance.

"Oh, Yes!" Serena moaned as she humped at his

fingers, wanting...needing to feel him to fill her

love tunnel.

Martin looked anxiously into her eyes.

"C-can I...I mean...C-can we?" he squeaked.

Serena nodded urgently, very aware of his hard

throbbing tool as it lay against her hip.  Martin

moved over her and kisses her deeply as he pulled

her nightgown full up over her waist and clumsily

fumbled to position the tip of his minkhood at her

vaginal entrance.  He pressed slowly into her.

Serena moaned in pleasure as Martin's hard

throbbing shaft slowly and snugly filled her hot,

wet cunny.  Martin held himself still once the

whole of his length was encased in her female

flesh.  His whole body trembled as he fought to

suppress his urgent need to mate, wanting to make

their pleasure last as long as possible.

"Y-you're so warm inside, S-Serena," he moaned

softly.  "Y-you f-feel so n-nice around m-me."

"You feel so nice inside me, as well," Serena

said, feeling his shaft throbbing within her.

Martin pulled slowly, almost completely out of

her then slid slowly back within her once more,

kissing and licking her muzzle.  Serena moaned and

purred and Martin continued the slow, steady pace. 

Martin reached under her and massaged the base of

her tail in synch with the long slow strokes of his

lover's tool.  Serena felt her belly, nethers and

thighs flush warmly with tingly heat.  Martin's

pace increased, but only a little as his control

began to slip.  He cupped and squeezed her breasts

as he continued.  Serena leaned her head back and

began to hump against him.

"Is...Is this nice, S-Serena?" Martin managed

to ask as he continued his slow humping

"Oh yes!" Serena half moaned, half purred. 

"Very much so!"

Martin lay full upon her and kissed her

passionately and deeply, caressing her tongue with

his own as the pace of his thrusting continued to

increase.  He ran his hands down her sides and took

hold of her hips.  His urgent need to mate rose up

and engulfed his resolve.  He began to thrust

harder and faster.  Serena moaned loudly and rocked

her head from side to side and her pleasure built

quickly within her.

"Don't stop," she panted urgently.  "Please,

don't stop!  F-Faster!  Harder!!"

Martin whimpered and grunted softly and he

eagerly complied with Serena's urgings.  Serena

felt the first tingling spasm pass through her

belly.  Her vaginal muscles gripped Martin's shaft,

intensifying the sensations of Martin's thrusting

for both of them.  Serena leaned her head back as

the tingling ecstasy washed through her.  Martin

drove his shaft deep into her love tunnel as his

passion gushed, hot and liquid, into her belly, his

muscles locking up.  The held each other tightly as

their passion engulfed them and slowly ebbed.

Martin's body relaxed and he slowly withdrew

his minkhood from her cunny and lay next to her on

the couch.  The trembled and snuggled in the

afterglow of their mating.  Martin kissed Serena

tenderly and gazed lovingly into her eyes.

"Th-thanks for inviting m-me t-t-to breakfast,

Serena," he said with a warm smile.

"Anytime," Serena purred as she embraced her

lover tightly.  "Anytime."

