By Kthanid

          With input from SerenaKtty



          Chapter 11:  Getting Scentimental


Serena and Binky were up early the next morning. They had a quick breakfast, Serena because she had a day of delivering invitations to get to and Binky because she wanted to pop over to visit Randy.  Binky got dressed and spritzed her self generously with the perfume she had received from Cleo.  Serena caught the rosy/musky scent in the air and poked her head into Binky’s room.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“Just a gift,” Binky said.  “It’s supposed ta attract yuh one true love or somethin’ lahke that.”

“Really?” Serena asked.  “Mind if I try it?”

“Not at all, Sere-girl.”

“Thanks,” Serena said as she gave herself a couple of spritz’.  “Mmmm...What a lovely scent.  Rose and something else.  My favorite flower of all.  So you’re off to see Randy?”

“Mmmm Hmmm,” Binky said in a distracted tone.

“And you’re wearing a perfume that will attract your one true love?”

Binky grinned mischievously and gave herself an extra spritz.

“Binky,” Serena said, her tone turning serious.  “About Randy....”

“Ah’m a big girl, Serena,” Binky smiled.  “And the chase is half the fun, or so Ah’ve heard.”

A knock on the door interrupted Serena’s motherly advice.  She hurried out to answer it and found Martin there.

“H’lo, Serena,” He said.  “I was wondering if...(Sniff)...If we could...(Sniff, sniff)....

Martin stepped forward and took her in his arms.  He leaned her back and kissed her passionately and deeply.  His hands caressed up and down her back and over her rump.  Serena, taken completely off-guard, managed to slowly break the kiss.  She looked at Martin who’s eyes had taken on the shape of little hearts.

“I want you so much, my love,” Martin sighed passionately.

“R-really?” Serena stammered.

“I need you so much,” Martin continued.  “I love you so much.”

Before Serena could speak, he kissed her once more, his tongue caressing hers.  Serena almost melted into the kiss but she reminded herself that she had invitations to deliver.  She also made a mental note to take advantage of Martin’s new found passion the instant that little task was completed.

“M-Martin,” She said when the Mink let her come up for air.  “I really would love to continue this but I have these invitations to deliver.”

“Then I will help you deliver them and as soon as they are all delivered we will mate long into the night.”

Serena tingled at the idea but thought Martin’s behavior extremely odd.  She went to the table and picked up the invitations, plus a couple extra just in case she’d forgotten anyone.  Binky was chatting with Martin when she returned, getting directions to Randy’s burrow.  Martin still had the hearts in his eyes and that silly grin on his face as he talked to Binky.

“Here you go,” Serena said, handing half the invites to Martin, who took them without looking away from Binky.  “And since you’re going to Randy’s, Binky, here’s his invitation.”

Martin escorted the ladyfurs to the door, moving in a sort of dazed way.  Binky hopped off in the direction of Randy’s burrow after giving herself yet another spritz of Cleo’s perfume.  Martin started to follow her, his tongue lolling from his mouth.  Serena grabbed his tail.

“Hey!” She said.  “Just where do you think you’re going?”

Martin turned, a momentary look of confusion on his face.  The look was quickly replaced by the silly grin and hearts once more as he sniffed the air. Serena released his tail and sorted through her cards, pulling out Sylvester’s first.

“Might as well start here.  Martin why don’t you...”

She felt martin’s hands reach around from behind her and fondle her breasts.

“Martin,” she giggled.  “Not now.  Later when we’re alone.”

“No?” Martin pouted.

“Later, I promise,” Serena said as she kissed his nose.  “Now get going.”

Martin smiled and the hurried off into the woods to deliver his portion of the invitations.  Serena sighed, regretting not taking advantage of Martin’s advances.  Still, she had a job to do.  She headed off to Sylvester’s rock.  All along the way she wondered about Martin’s sudden, almost aggressive behavior.  It wasn’t until she reached Sylvester’s rock that she began to entertain the idea that Cleo’s perfume might actually work.

She rang the bell.  From under the rock came Sylvester’s crabby voice.

“Just a minute!” he groused as he slithered out from under the rock.  “Oh!  It’s you miss Serena.  I see you’ve taken my advice and dumped those two perverts I warned you about.”

The tattle snake seemed to puff up with pride at the thought that someone had taken him seriously.  Serena smiled and knelt down in front of him.

“I have something for you,” She said, fishing out his invitation.

“Oh?” he said, his tongue flicking out a few times.  “My...Whatever is that...That wonderful scent...I....”

Sylvester began to sweat a little.  His eyes seemed to glaze over.  Serena blinked in confusion.  He slithered back from her about a foot.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, becoming more convinced that the perfume she was wearing might be responsible.

“I...Ummm...(Gulp)...Just feel so strange, suddenly....”

The snake coiled the back half of his body into a tight ball.  Sweat beaded on his head and he trembled as if trying to hold back a tidal wave.  He closed his eyes and began muttering to himself.

“Sex is bad...Sex is bad....”

Serena was becoming alarmed at the snake’s behavior but didn’t know what to do.  He crept toward her a little, his tongue flicking out of his mouth almost constantly now.

“F-forgive me, Serena,” he hissed.  “I don’t seem to be...To be feeling well.  Must control...Must...GHAAA!”

His body uncoiled suddenly, launching him at the startled she-cat.  He collided with her and coiled tightly around her, pinning her arms to her sides, his face in front of hers.

“A-are you okay?” Serena stammered, smiling nervously.

“I...I don’t know what’s come over me,” Sylvester said, a dazed, sorrowful expression on his reptilian face.

He flicked his tongue over her lips then covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply and passionately.  Serena’s eyes went wide in surprise and panic.  She felt his tattle tail rubbing over her sex through her shorts.  His body tightened around her in a firm hug.  She felt his lower body rubbing against her mons.  Slowly, he broke the kiss.

“Serena,” he hissed.  “I love you...I must...But this isn’t right.”

Serena tried to catch her breath and figure out what to do.

“MARRY ME!” Sylvester exclaimed.


“Please!  My love,” he hissed urgently.  “We have to be married!  I want to love you, to mate with you...But it wouldn’t be right unless we were married and trying to make children!”

Serena’s eyes went wide in shocked disbelief.

“M-make children?!” she exclaimed.  “Aren’t y-you getting a little overboard?”

“Yes!  You and I...Our beautiful children!” Sly ranted.  “We can mate morning, noon and night until I’ve filled your belly with beautiful kittens.”

“Ki-kittens?”  Serena said, trying to think of a way out of her predicament.  “Yes, I would like kittens someday but not right away.”

“But that’s the only purpose for sex!” Sly ranted.  “Marry me, please!”

“But I barely know you,” Serena said, trying to reason with the crazed serpent.  “I’ve only been here a couple of months.”

“But I must be yours!  I must have you!  I must be the father of your kittens!”

“Okay, okay, okay,” Serena said quickly.  “I think you need to lie down, Sly.”

“No!” The snake hissed.  “We must go and see Prez right away!  He can perform the ceremony!  Then I shall endeavor to do my utmost to give you all the kittens you desire, my love!”

“I don’t think I’m ready for little ones just yet,” Serena pleaded.  “Why do you want children so badly?”

“I...I don’t know,” Sly said, pausing a moment in his ranting.  “I just can’t help myself.  I LOVE YOU!”

“What’s the point of having them if you don’t want them?” Serena said, noticing the effect this line of reasoning had on the snake.

“I am a g-good and moral person,” Sly said, apparent to himself.  “This is morally and ethically wrong.  Y-you are a sweet and innocent girl and I’m...I’m....”

He trembled and looked into Serena’s eyes.  Little hearts had replace his pupils but his expression was one of fear.

“I have to mate with you!  But I musn’t....”

Sylvester suddenly went stiff and Serena felt a warm wetness soaking through her shorts over her mons.  Sylvester grunted several times before relaxing and slipping down around Serena’s ankles.  Serena looked down to see Sly’s seed running down her the crotch of her shorts.  She looked at Sly and saw a tiny, one-inch long penis protruding from under his belly scales.

“M-marry me, my love....” Sylvester hissed weakly.

“I’m sorry,” Serena said quickly as she stepped out of Sly’s coils.  “But I need to...Need to go.  I’ll see you later.”

Serena heard sly calling and pleading for her to come back as she sprinted off down the trail. 


When she stopped running, she found herself in front of Cleo’s tree.  She pulled out Cleo’s invitation and walked up to the door.

“Cleo?” she called.  “Hello?”

Cleo was sitting at her table reading from a large, old book, but quickly turned her back to Serena as if hiding something.

“Oh, Serena!” She said.  “H-hello.”

“What are you doing?” Serena asked as she walked over to Cleo.”

“Oh, just trying to reverse a spell,” Cleo said as she straightened her toga.  “What can I...(Sniff Sniff)...Ummm, do for you today?”

“Nothing,” Serena said.  “I have an invitation for you.”

“A housewarming party,” Cleo said with a smile.  “How marvelous!”

“Ummm...About that perfume you gave Binky,” Serena said.  “What is it?”

“It’s a super aphrodisiac,” Cleo said sniffing at the air again.  “That seems so familiar....”

“I’m wearing it,” Serena said.

“N-now?” Cleo asked her voice going up and octave.  “Oh no...Not now!”

“Why?” Serena asked.

Cleo’s suddenly changed.  Her look became suddenly sexy and seductive.  She stood up and draped her arms over Serena’s shoulders.

“Well, normally it has no effect on females,” Cleo purred in a sultry voice.  “But I had a spell backfire today.”

Serena felt a poke in her thigh.  She looked down to see Cleo’s toga tented outward by something just below her belly.

“What is that?” Serena asked nervously.

“Wanna see, my love?” Cleo purred seductively.

“First Sylvester and now you?” Serena said.

“It’s the perfume, my love,” Cleo purred and licked Serena’s muzzle.  “Wanna play with my new toy?”

“What did you put in it, Spanish fly?” Serena asked, her concern and fear rising.

“And some bunny passion and mandrake root and some oyster oil and a few incantations....”

Cleo pulled Serena against her. Serena felt what could only be a penis pressed between their bellies.

“Wh-what did you d-do?” Serena asked hoping the thing between hers and Cleo’s bodies wasn’t what she thought it was.

“I had a spell backfire,” Cleo purred seductively.  “Wanna help me reverse the spell?”

“Wh-what would I have to do?” Serena asked, though she had a sinking feeling she knew what Cleo’s answer would be.

Cleo kissed Serena tenderly on the lips.

“Love me,” she purred.  “Be my lover.”

“I...I think I need to wash this stuff off,” Serena said.

“After we make love,” Cleo purred as she undid Serena’s shorts.

“N-no, thank you,” Serena said as she pushed Cleo away and refastened her pants.  “I just came to give you the invitation.  I’ll be on my way now.”

“But I can love you the way you want,” Cleo said, sounding hurt.  “I know it seems a little bizarre, but I understand if you’d rather not.”

“No offense,” Serena said.

“None taken,” Cleo said.  “If you love someone, you have to respect them.  I would love to come at ...I mean, TO your party.”

“Thank you,” Serena said quickly as she headed out.  “I’ll see you there.”

“See you there, my love,” Cleo called after her.


Serena stopped a small creek.  She knelt down and tested the water with her hand.

“I have got to get this stuff off me,” She said to herself.

“Well, hellooo, pretty kitty,” came a voice from nearby.

Serena looked back to see a tall, handsome wolf leaning against a tree, clad in a pair of baggy jeans and a red flannel shirt.  Her heart thudded in her chest partly because of the way she felt about this new wolf from their brief meeting the other day and partly because she was afraid of the effect the perfume she was wearing might have on him.  She hurriedly began scrubbing her arms and neck in the creek.

“H-hello Thomas,” She said.

The wolf said nothing.  He started over toward her, a wolfish grin on his lips and his tail wagging back and forth behind him.  He stooped and took hold of her arms and stood her on her feet.

“C-can I help you?” she asked.

“Do you believe in love at first sight, pretty kitty?” Thomas asked as little hearts danced in the air around his head.

“Oh no...Not again,” Serena moaned in dispair.  “Yes I do believe in love at first sight but you don’t really love me.”

“But I do, pretty kitty,” Thomas said as he puckered up to kiss her.

“No, you don’t,” Serena said, gently pushing him back.  “It’s the perfume I’m wearing.”

“The perfume is nice,” Thomas admitted as his lips stretched forward.  “But it’s you I love.”

Serena pulled her head back to keep away from his lips.

“Awww, don’t be that way, Serena,” Thomas pleaded.

“I know you don’t love me,” Serena said.  “We’ve only just met once before.”

“But I do,” Thomas insisted in a hurt tone.

Serena sighed in resignation and though to herself, Why me?  Thomas released her and reached behind his back.  When he whipped his hand back around, he held a beautiful bouquet of roses.

“For you, My love,” Thomas said with a warm, tender smile.

Serena heart leapt.  She loved to get flowers.  Especially roses.  Thomas wasn’t finished yet though.  Reaching behind himself with his other hand, he produced a large, heart-shaped box of chocolates. 

“Ohhh, two of my three weaknesses,” Serena said dreamily.  “Roses and chocolate.”

“And the third, my love?” Thomas asked in a seductive tone.

“That you’ll have to find out for yourself, Serena said, getting swept along by Thomas’ romantic seduction.

Thomas smiled warmly and wrapped and arm around her.  He hugged her tightly.  He kissed tenderly on the lips.

“Then you love me too?” Thomas asked.

“Please, Thomas...I can’t right now,” Serena said reluctantly.  “I’m a little busy.”

“But my love...” Thomas pouted.

“I’m sorry but I have things to do,” Serena said, genuinely sad that she couldn’t stay and indulge herself in what they both wanted.  “But thank you for the chocolate and the roses.”

“It’s all right, Serena,” Thomas said as he sat down on the bank and sulked.  “I...I understand.  I wouldn’t want to be seen with me either.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Serena asked, afraid that she had hurt the wolf’s feelings.

“I’m a wolf,” he said.  “People talk...‘How many sheep did you steal today?’  ‘How many houses have you blown down?’”

“Who would say that?” Serena asked.

“Everywhere I go,” Thomas said sadly.  “Every place I’ve ever been.  Everyone thinks I eat other furs.  I do...But not the way they think.”

“What’s your way of eating other furs?” Serena asked, remembering too late her encounter with Horny the dragon in the Misty Wood.

Thomas smiled and got to his knees, facing her.  He rested his hands gently on her hips.  He looked lovingly into her eyes, once more the hearts dancing in the air around his head.  Serena knew what was going to happen, she knew that it was possible that this was all just an effect of the perfume she wore.  That small doubt almost made her tell the wolf ‘no’.  But she wanted this.  She wanted to lay with him, to feel his touch.  Her heart beat faster as his hands slipped around to the front of her shorts.  He unfastened and unzipped her shorts then slid them slowly down, his hands gently caressing her legs.  He caressed back up her legs and thighs and up over her silken panty covered rump.

Serena sighed and moaned softly.  Encouraged, Thomas took one of her breasts in his jaws, biting down just enough that she coupled feel the sharp points prick her flesh through her shirt and fur.  His tongue caressed over her breast until he could feel her nipple harden.  He circled her nipple and slipped one hand up under her shirt to play with her other breast.  His other hand squeezed her firm rump and caressed the length of her tail.

Serena lost herself in the feel of his hands on her body, the soft caressing, the squeezing, the touching and licking.  She felt him lower her panties just enough to expose her feminine treasure.  He released his jaws grip on her breast and kissed his way slowly down her belly.  He flicked his tongue teasingly over her mound.  He caressed her rump and gave her slit a long, slow lick.  Serena moaned and spread her legs a little farther apart.  He ran his tongue through her soft, warm inner folds.  He paused to sniff at her sex then tickled the small of her back.  He sniffed again then tickled a bit lower.  Serena’s heart raced as he neared her ‘magic button’.  He tickled the base of her tail.  Serena stifled a moan of arousal as her juices began to flow freely.  Thomas sniffed at her sex once more.  A smile spread across his lips and he lapped through her slit, pressing his muzzle against her mons, his tongue exploring sex. 

Serena moaned deeply, her cunny beginning to tingle.  She shivered in delight, fighting to keep her legs from collapsing under her.  He opened his mouth wide and covered her sex with it, his sharp teeth pricking her flesh as his tongue danced around her vaginal opening.  Serena pleaded silently for him to explore the depths of her love tunnel, panting and moaning loudly.  She gripped his shoulders when his long, broad tongue, at last, slipped deep into her kitten hole.  His tongue wriggled and squirmed within her.  She pulled her sex tightly against his mouth, wanting...needing release.

He drew his tongue almost completely out of her and stroked it over a small bump within her vaginal cavity.  Serena was suddenly gripped by intense pleasure as she threw her head back and came hard.  Thomas lapped greedily at her juices and held her tightly as her orgasm washed through her body.  She shuddered and panted as he pleasure slowly ebbed.  Thomas looked up at her, his muzzle slick with her love juices.

“That’s how,” he said with a wry grin.

He gave her pussy one final lick and pulled her panties back up.

“I could do that forever, my love,” He said.

Serena blushed and pulled up her shorts.  Thomas stood up and hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply.

“I love you so much, Serena,” Thomas said tenderly.

“That’s sweet,” Serena said with a slight, nervous smile. “I’m sorry I have to cut this short, but I have to deliver these.”

“A party?” Thomas said, looking at the invitations in Serena’s hand.  “Is there one in there for me?”

“I didn’t know where you lived,” Serena said.  “But I did bring a couple extra.  Here.”

Serena handed Thomas one of the extra invitations.

“Thank you my love.  I shall most assuredly attend,” Thomas said.  Then with a seductive smile he added, “And...I live just down the way, my love.  A quaint and...‘cozy’ little cave overlooking the lake.”

Serena picked up her roses and the box of chocolates.  As much as she wanted to stay, she still had her deliveries to make.

“I’ll see you later,” she said quickly before she hurried off.

“Good-bye, my love!” Thomas called after her.


Serena was very confused as she hurried through the wood toward her next stop, the Rutwell Forest Town Hall where Prez the eagle and Donna Doe were to be found.  Thomas had reacted the same way everyone else had to the perfume.  She had thought she had washed it off her arms and neck.  She decided that she had not been quick enough and that Thomas had sniffed the perfume before she’d scrubbed.  But still, hearing him profess his love for her had given her a special little thrill.  The same kind of thrill she’d had when Martin had said those words to her.  She loved Martin dearly but she was beginning to think she might be falling in love with Thomas as well...And then there was still Monica.

She pushed these thoughts aside as she came within sight of the Town Hall situated next to the Jail House.  She paused by an open window in the Jail to sort through her invitations for Prez and Donna’s invites.

“Now y’all just stop rahght theah, Li’l lady,” Came Beuford’s gruff and authoritative voice from the doorway to the Jail.

“Yes Beuford?” Serena said.

“Y’all is under arrest, li’l missy.”

“What did I do now?” Serena asked, not really in the mood for Beuford’s games.

“Th’ charge is grand larceny, miss Kitty,” Beuford said sternly as he strode up to her.

“What in the hell are you talking about?!?” Serena exclaimed.

Beuford knelt down in front of her, his stern look melting to one of heartfelt love and devotion.  He took her relatively free hand and kissed it tenderly. 

“Y’all have stolen mah heart, Serena,” Beuford said.  “I love you, now and forever.”

Serena blinked in disbelief.  Beuford held her tightly and leaned her back.  He looked deeply into her eyes, his expression warm and loving.

“Say that y’all love me as well, Serena,” Beuford pleaded.  “Please favuh this ol’ hound-dog.”

“Ummm...I love you, Beuford,” Serena said.

Beuford’s advances had taken her completely by surprise. The words had left her lips before she had realized what she had said.

“Ah knew it!” Beuford chuckled gleefully.  “Ah just knew it!”

He kissed her deeply, one hand cupping her breast and caressing her there gently.  Serena broke the kiss and tried to push back from Beuford.

“Please,” she pleaded.  “I can’t right now.”

“Of course, mah love,” Beuford said as he looked about quickly.  “It wouldn’t do tuh be breakin’ any public indecency statutes.”

Beuford scooped up Serena in his arms and started walking back into the Jail.

“Come with me,” he said.  “Mah office is much more prahvate.”

“N-no, that’s not it,” Serena said quickly.  “I have something to deliver to Prez and Donna.”

“But mah luv,” Beuford said with a warm smile.  Ah’m heah...Y’all are heah...What could be more important than us?”

Serena could have sworn she had scrubbed the perfume off.  She sniffed at the air and sure enough she could smell the faint rose/musk smell.

“M-maybe later?” Serena said quickly.

“Th-then y’all don’t luv me?” Beuford asked, stopping and looking anxiously at Serena.

“No no, that’s not it,” Serena said, realizing that Beuford was going to take rejection hard.  “I just have some things to do first.”

“Ah...Ah see,” Beuford said sadly as he set Serena down.  “Ah’m rahght sorry ma’am.”

Serena felt terrible as she watched Beuford walk slowly back into the Jail House, his head hung low.

“Don’t feel down,” She called after him.

Beuford closed the door without looking back.

“Damn it!” Serena spat.

She hadn’t wanted to hurt the constable’s feelings.  She knew he couldn’t help himself.

“That’s it,” she said out loud as she stalked off in the direction of her home.  “I’m going to get this gunk off me if it kills me!”


Halfway back to her house, Serena spotted Fettish coming down the trail.  In a panic she darted behind a bush off the trail.  She watched Fettish draw near.  The raccoon had a pair of panties pressed up against his nose and was sniffing them with a huge, silly grin on his face.  He suddenly stopped and sniffed the air.  To Serena’s consternation, he turned off the trail and came straight toward her hiding place.

Serena darted behind a tree and pleaded silently for Fettish to go away.  The Raccoon sniffed the air again and smiled in a dazed sort of way.  He then promptly sat down on the other side of the tree from where Serena was hiding.  Her heart racing in panic, Serena extended her claws and scampered quietly up the tree.  From her vantage point she looked down to see if Fettish had detected her.

The raccoon sat with the panties pressed firmly against his nose.  His other hand was slowly stroking his aroused raccoonhood.

“MMMmmmm, oh yeah,” He moaned.  “Oh Serena... Naughty little kitty.”

Serena blushed a bright red.  She was at once flattered and embarrassed that Fettish was masturbating to his memories of her.  She shifted her position a little and stepped wrongly on the branch.  As she tried to recover, she heard a sharp crack as the branch broke.  She fell and landed most ungracefully on her butt.

“Owwww!” She moaned, rubbing her tush.

“Huh?!  Wha?!” Fetish exclaimed as he jumped up.

He covered his turgid shaft with the only thing at hand.  Serena had to giggle in spite of the pain in her butt at the sight of Fettish standing there with a pair of panties hanging from his long hard lover’s tool.

“Oh, Serena,” Fettish said.  “Let me help you up.”

“No no, that’s all right,” she said quickly as she got up and brushed herself off.  “I was just leaving.”

“What were you...(Sniff, sniff)...doing up in that...(Sniff)...That tree?” Fettish asked.  “My love.”

“Oh no...” Serena moaned.  “I’ll see you later, Fettish.  ‘Bye’.”

Serena turned and sprinted for her house.  She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her goal at last.

“At last!” she panted, slowing to a walk.  “SANCTUARY!”

