Results of Warner and Fox Survey [2012-03-02 05:37:00]
In my Warner and Fox survey I asked whether you agreed with Warner and Fox trying to eradicate erotic parodies of their cartoon characters from the net.
Most respondents, 56 (80%), disagreed with Fox and Warner. This did not come as a surprise. Many people come to this website looking for sexually explicit drawings of Fox and Warner cartoon characters. What did come as a surprise was that 8 respondents (11.5%) said they would complain about this or never watch a Fox or Warner movie again. I am very interested to know whether they really did this. If you are one of these respondents, please contact me or leave a comment on this blog. I am affected by this greed-driven policy personally but I could never give up watching the Simpsons. Of course, I would never pay to watch a Simpsons cartoon.
8 respondents (11.5%) agreed with Fox and Warner. If you are of this opinion, please let me know why.
6 respondents (8.5%) did not care about this issue. This number is a bit lower than I had expected but then if you did not care you would not bother taking the survey neither.
Last but not least nobody was prepared to inform on websites that are posting sexually explicit characters of Fox and Warner cartoon characters.
The numbers of this survey match the poll results of my original article quite well
(Agree: 205 (89.1%) Disagree: 14 (6.1%) Undecided: 11 (4.8%))
As usual the participation in this survey was extremely lousy. Considering that over the period this survey had been running, smuttytoons would have had over one million visitors, less than a hundred responses is a bit disappointing.
LOL, I better stop the whining and finish off. If you have anything to say about this issue leave a comment or contact me via email
About the author: Andy
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