Let's talk about erotic cartoons. This is my open erotic cartoon blog where you can express your opinions about erotic cartoons, sex comics and adult jokes. If you have anything to say about this subject you can do it here. So, please give it a go. if you are an artist you can write about what drives you to draw or if you are an enthousiast you can write about what you like most about adult cartoons. There is also a survey section which I really would like you to look at and participate in as it will allow me and everyone else who visits this site to find out what fellow cartoon fans like.
You probably have noticed some changes on my website. That's because I have been working very hard to convert it to the latest version of HTML and make it work on devices with various screen sizes like mobile phones and tablets.
It is a big job, there are hundreds of pages and programs with tens of thousands of lines of code that need to be looked at and I am learning new things as I go along.
I hope to have it all done by Christmas but I cannot give any guarantees.
I hope you like my work so far and I'd love to hear what you think. I would appreciate if you could take my 20 second survey, which I will setup shortly, and let me know.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 210 (61.6%) Disagree: 59 (17.3%) Undecided: 72 (21.1%)
Views: 103579
Take the survey - Do you like the new mobile device friendly design of this site
In my Warner and Fox survey I asked whether you agreed with Warner and Fox trying to eradicate erotic parodies of their cartoon characters from the net.
Most respondents, 56 (80%), disagreed with Fox and Warner. This did not come as a surprise. Many people come to this website looking for sexually explicit drawings of Fox and Warner cartoon characters. What did come as a surprise was that 8 respondents (11.5%) said they would complain about this or never watch a Fox or Warner movie again. I am very interested to know whether they really did this. If you are one of these respondents, please contact me or leave a comment on this blog. I am affected by this greed-driven policy personally but I could never give up watching the Simpsons. Of course, I would never pay to watch a Simpsons cartoon.
8 respondents (11.5%) agreed with Fox and Warner. If you are of this opinion, please let me know why.
6 respondents (8.5%) did not care about this issue. This number is a bit lower than I had expected but then if you did not care you would not bother taking the survey neither.
Last but not least nobody was prepared to inform on websites that are posting sexually explicit characters of Fox and Warner cartoon characters.
The numbers of this survey match the poll results of my original article quite well (Agree: 205 (89.1%) Disagree: 14 (6.1%) Undecided: 11 (4.8%))
As usual the participation in this survey was extremely lousy. Considering that over the period this survey had been running, smuttytoons would have had over one million visitors, less than a hundred responses is a bit disappointing.
LOL, I better stop the whining and finish off. If you have anything to say about this issue leave a comment or contact me via email
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 423 (64.5%) Disagree: 67 (10.2%) Undecided: 166 (25.3%)
Views: 93520
I finally can present the results of this survey. As expected most of the respondents, 86%, were for an erotic cartoon story and fan fiction section on this website. Only 7.6% did not care and nobody did not want to have a story section on this website. 6.5% even had a story that they wanted to submit for publication.
Of course the subject of this survey was such that it was more likely for people who were interested in erotic cartoon stories and fan fiction to take the survey but the results nevertheless make it clear. There is a definitive interest in written cartoon sex and as soon as I have some spare time I will add page to my website.
In the meantime, if you have a story that you want to publish, send me an email so I can link it to one of my existing pages.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 381 (70.7%) Disagree: 72 (13.4%) Undecided: 86 (16.0%)
Views: 106817
There is a lot of cartoon fan fiction out there and many people write erotic stories about their favorite cartoon characters.
So far, I have not published many stories at all on this website. The only artist so far to submit stories was Kthanid who submitted the Rutwell Forest stories. Of course comics have stories too, certainly all of Gerard's Operative Zero comics do but that's not what I am talking about here.
As I have received a Disney story by MouseWriter, I am wondering whether you guys would like to see more erotic cartoon stories on this site.
To find out I have setup a little two-click survey which I'd like you to take. If there is enough demand I might setup an erotic cartoon story section.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 379 (68.4%) Disagree: 102 (18.4%) Undecided: 73 (13.2%)
Views: 119899
View the survey - Do you want to see erotic cartoon stories and fan fiction on this website?
I have been running this site for over 10 years and it's about time I set a couple of things straight. For the viewers who prefer a video I have recorded this little video. It looks very unprofessional but was a hell lot of fun to do.
I am getting a lot of requests for drawings and compliments on "my" art. The thing is I am not an artist. I have no drawing talent at all. I am just a programmer who owns and operates this site. All I do is adding pages and pictures and answer emails. Artists or fellow cartoon lovers are providing all the artwork.
In the beginning of the site some artists did not have a scanner and they used to send me their original artwork, which I scanned and posted. At the very start of the site I stole some pictures from other sites. Hence, "Andy's stolen cartoon collection" but that could not have been more than 50 and there are now over 15'000 erotic cartoons on this site. Kthanid alone has contributed over 2'000 and Mouseboy over 5'000 individual drawings.
So, if you have any requests for art or want to tell an artist how much you enjoy their erotic cartoons tell them directly. Most of the artists on my site have a link to their email address at the bottom of their page. Of course if you have any general comments about the site you can still contact me.
The other thing I want to set straight is that many people think this is a commercial site, which is operated by a number of staff. This is definitely not the case. I am the only person behind this site and I do all the hard work in my free time. Unfortunately I have to work for a living and can only spend my free time on updating smuttytoons. That's why sometimes it takes a few days for me to answer emails or add a page or picture.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 344 (67.1%) Disagree: 90 (17.5%) Undecided: 79 (15.4%)
Views: 290070
More and more sites are integrating with social media sites like facebook and twitter and I am wondering whether you my visitors are members of these sites and would be interested in sharing your opinions and experiences of my erotic cartoons with your friends on those sites.
Of course the main reason for my interest in this is to increase the popularity of my website but at the same time I would like to make things easier for you as well.
Many of you might already share opinions about this site and other sites you visit on twitter and facebook and if I can setup some buttons and widgets that make this easier for you we both win.
Before I invest my time in this I would like to find out whether you are interested in this and whether you are even member of any of those sites. So far, I can only tell that you are probably in the right age group. Two thirds of all US facebook and nearly half of all US twitter users are between 18 and 34 years of age. This is very similar for my site. The big difference is the distribution between the genders. My site has less female than male vistiors, only 15% of my visitors are female. On twitter and facebook it is roughly 55% female and 45% male.
Anyway, the best way to find out is if you tell me. So, please take the survey and let me know. You can also add a comment to this article if you have anything to say on this or send me an email.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 321 (65.9%) Disagree: 88 (18.1%) Undecided: 78 (16.0%)
Views: 314059
View the survey - Are you a member of a social network site?
As many of you know I am not showing any Fox or Warner cartoon characters such as the Simpsons, the Jetsons or the Flintstones on my site any more. I have covered the reasons for not showing these cartoons elsewhere but since I am still getting many requests for them including for the famous JAB parodies of the Flintstones and the Jetsons I am going to talk about it a bit more.
This has been going on for 12 years now and unfortunately there are not many sites around that show erotic parodies of Fox or Warner cartoon characters any more. This is even more depressing because it is not illegal. In America parodies of copyrighted material are protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution which guarantees freedom of speech. Fox and Warner are only getting away with it because nobody is prepared to stand up to them. For the web hosting companies who host those pictures it is not worth while taking on the might of Fox and Warner because the only get a few bucks for hosting a website and shutting them down is much easier and cheaper than risking a court case. That's exactly what happened to me in 1998. My hosting company cancelled my account when they were contacted by Fox's and Warner's lawyers. So, even if I had wanted to, I could not have kept showing those pics. As it was too much work moving my site to another hosting provider and I did not want to risk to be shutdown again I decided to not show these pics any more. The good news is that Warner and Fox can never stop me from sharing the famous JAB parodies with my friends.
For a while the whole "I am in the right but have not enough money to get my right" situation was so depressing that I had been thinking of ways of getting back at those networks. One idea was to boycott their products and ask others to do so as well. Unfortunately that would have meant to give up watching the Simpsons and Futurama which I love so much. I just could not do that and I certainly could not have asked any of my friends to give up the Simpsons. So what I am doing today is to only watch those shows on free to air tv and I never pay intentionally to watch any Fox or Warner movies.
To give you an idea on what type of cartoons I am talking about I have posted one of my favorite pictures above. Have a look at it and let me know what you think or take my survey if you can spare 30 seconds
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 454 (78.1%) Disagree: 72 (12.4%) Undecided: 55 (9.5%)
Views: 144943
View the survey - Do you agree with Warner and Fox trying to eradicate erotic parodies of their cartoon characters from the net
I finally got enough responses to my cartoons commissioning service survey.
The results are good and bad. Good because half of the responding artists (50%) and nearly half of the responding fans (44%) were interested in a cartoons commissioning service.
The bad news is that fans and artists have different price expectations. 65% of the interested fans did not want to pay more than US$ 20 and 86% of the interested artists wanted to charge at least US$ 50.
The median upper price limit is US $20 for fans and US $100 for artists. However, I only got responses from 14 artists, half of which were not interested in drawing cartoons for a commission. That only leaves 7 artists who voted for an upper price limit. With such a small number of responses it is nearly impossible to come to a meaningful conclusion.
I am not surprised that one artist wanted to charge up to $500 for a commissioned cartoon. However, I am very surprised that one fan was prepared to pay that amount.
As most fans only want to pay up to $20 which is probably a bit less than the artists would charge for a cartoon, for the time being, I will not setup a cartoon commissioning page where fans can interact with the artists. However, you can contact the artists directly. If you are a fan with a request, no matter whether you are prepared to pay for it or not, you can contact the artists yourself. Most of the artists posting on my site have got an email address on their pages(s) and you can always write to them directly. For your convenience I have pasted the contact details of most of the artists who post on my site below.
If you like xxxecil, write to him. I know for sure that he is actively seeking commissions
Disclaimer: I am not a statistician and cannot guarantee that my interpretation of the results and in fact the design of the survey are meaningful. Neither can I guarantee that the collected results are genuine opinions and there is no duplication.
If you are interested in this subject check out the raw data or have a look at the original blog.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 212 (63.3%) Disagree: 56 (16.7%) Undecided: 67 (20.0%)
Views: 152941
Hello everyone,
I am thinking of providing a cartoon drawing service that would allow cartoon fans to order cartoons according to their specifications with a subject and situation of their choice.
Of course this would not be a free service and I would have to charge a fee most of which I would pass on to the artists. At this stage I don't know how much I should charge for my cartoon commissioning service and if there is even interest for it. That's why I have setup a survey to find out whether you folks are interested in a cartoon drawing service. If you have an opinion on this it would be great if you could take my easy two-click survey.
I have not thought about all the details yet but the general idea is to get a few interested artists who the fans could request to do their drawings on board and setup an ordering and artist registration interface on my website. I think it would be nice to make posters from the commissioned cartoons and an optional watermark referring to the person ordering the drawing might be interesting too. Naturally, these things would all be optional and would contribute to the final price. If you have any ideas on this subject please leave a comment below or send me an email. I'd love to hear from you.
Of course I would have to come up with some policies and terms and conditions. For instance I would have to work out whether to ask for an advance payment or not in order to stop people from ordering and not paying. I would also have to decide whether to reserve myself the right to display the final cartoon on my website or not.
The more I think about such a cartoon drawing service the more exicted I get about. So, please my fellow erotic cartoons lovers and cartoonists take my survey and let me know what you think or leave a comment below.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 346 (70.5%) Disagree: 89 (18.1%) Undecided: 56 (11.4%)
Views: 128646
View the survey - How much would you pay to have a cartoon commissioned? How much would you charge to draw a cartoon?
Hello everyone, I usually don't do this but since I have not posted anything in a while I am making an exception.
One of my viewers has found a comix that he would like to get more of but does not know where it comes from. So, I am asking for your help, do you know where this comix comes from? If yes, it would be great if you could post a comment to this blog post. Click on the picture to see it full size.
I personally think it could be JAB but the name of the character does not ring a bell, so I could be wrong.
Here's the original inquiry: Just came across your site. I've recently started to get into erotic/adult comics, and I found this one somewhere, but I would like to find out the author/artist, so I can get more. It looks like Jab comix (which I really like), and that's how it was labeled on the site where I found it. Also, there's not indication of the title, and there is no page numbers on the pictures, so I don't know if I even have a complete set. I have 18 in total, but seems like a couple pages are missing. If you can be of any help, I'd really appreciate it. I've attached what I have as #1, but if you want all of what I have, let me know.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 822 (84.2%) Disagree: 83 (8.5%) Undecided: 71 (7.3%)
Views: 275923
I am very pleased that I have finally collected enough opinions to be able to post the results.
What I can tell for sure is that many more males than females visit my site. Even if it should just be that males were more likely to take my survey, at 15% the percentage of females is so low that there cannot be any doubt that this is the case.
6% of all respondants said they were less than 16 years old and out of those 3 said they were less than 10 years old. Even if not all of these respondants answered truthfully this still indicates that some very young kids are visiting my site. There is definitely a need for better access control as the numbers indicate that on an annual basis there would be more than 1000 kids under the age of 10 accessing my site.
Ideally I should be able to provide a technical solution, something like a short maturity test as I explained in my original post. Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment as I neither have the time to rewrite my site nor the psychological knowledge to come up with a short, suitable set of questions. The only feasible solution that I can think of, is what I have suggested before, not to let young children use the internet without supervision or at least to install some parental software. If you are a parent or have a little sister or brother I appeal to you not to let your kids or young siblings use the internet unsupervised.
The good news is that some people in my own age group and even older than that are also enjoying my site. 26% of the respondants said they were over 40 years old and 11 (8.5%) said they were over 60 years old. Interestingly no females said they were over 60 years old. :-) I am hoping this is just due to my small sample number and not to my site being a playground for dirty old man.
Surprisingly the median age bracket for both males and females is between 26 and 30 years. Personally I would have expected this to be lower. This indicates that the majority of my visitors are reasonably old and mature enough to view and enjoy my content.
If you are interested in this subject check out the raw data or have a look at the original blog.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 384 (74.4%) Disagree: 77 (14.9%) Undecided: 55 (10.7%)
Views: 117355
My favorite art on this site is the Rutwell Forest art by Kthanid. This art depicts a society where sex is done openly and freely. This has long been a fantasy of mine; it was so even before my first wet dream. This is not the only reason why I enjoy the art, however. To me sex is an expression of love. We live in a society where monogamy is in the mainstream, more so then erotic art, I mind you. The trouble for me, with respect to sex and monogamy, is that I love everybody. I certainly don’t love everybody enough to fuck them, but there is more than one person I love enough to fuck. At the moment there is only one person I know who is willing to return the attitude but that’s okay. I would rather live in a society where sex as an expression of love is more widely accepted, maybe not celebrated but not something that has to happen behind closed doors. While they serve different purposes, I maybe would rather live in a society where sex is not anymore out of place then hugs are in this society. That may be to common or not common enough for my individual tastes. I don’t know. Our society is so far away it’s hard to tell what the perfect balance for me would be.
What art like that depicting Rutwell Forest (both the visual and verbal art) does for me is it allows me an avenue to explore such a society. Rutwell Forest is a normal functioning society (I’m assuming, several activities of society are absent) but where sex is a common display of affection. It is not the only means I have for exploring this concept but it is a useful one and one that lets me gather the opinions of others on the concept. My biggest complaint would be that there has so far been little in the way of gay male sexual interaction (and yes, this is a request (I happen to be bi myself (get it, pun(:-P)))). Kthanid’s work has certainly helped me to get myself off but that is the least important of the purposes his art has done for me. To me, his work is defiantly art and, not only that, but art that carries a message and a critique of society.
It is reasonable to ask about why I have not previously proclaimed my opinions regarding Kthanid’s art. Most of the answer would be my shyness and my timidity. My shyness and my loneness has prevented me from expressing my opinions in a private forum, e-mail, especially since, up into now, I had nthing to say other then “I enjoy your work.” Kthanid may feel that it is important for him to hear this but, I, apparently, have not considered important enough to speak. His art gets me to think, to speak, and to write, but privately and with a few close friends. Part of who I am is some who listens a lot and speaks little in a lot of different situations. This is, apparently, one of them.
My shyness and timidity is even more pronounced for the public forum of the blog and blog comments. I claim there is good reason for this. I was quite active on a few internet communities a few years ago. With one exception, I tend to be an asshole. I don’t mean to be but for some reason I have been. When I tried early this year to join another community I was still an asshole. Until I figure out how to be a member of an on-line community without being an asshole it is better to keep to myself on the internet, aside from a few close friends. I would like to be an active member of on-line communities, maybe including this one, but I would rather not hurt others in doing so. I’m sorry if this upsets you, Andy, but I am someone who enjoys the art on this site and gets some meaning out of it who none the less won’t give a lot if any feedback. That’s part of who I am and with fifteen foundered visitors I may not be the only one who is like that.
All in all there are people who consider erotic cartoons art and there are people who don’t and both types of people are correct in their own opinions on that topic.
About the author: norsenerd
Rating: Agree: 410 (77.7%) Disagree: 68 (12.9%) Undecided: 50 (9.5%)
Views: 165885
There are also certainly several reasons why people appreciate erotic cartoons. Some people appreciate erotic are sonly for the purpose of finding sexual pleasure, like Unknown has stated. Some of these may be of the opinion that what they’re deriving pleasure form is art, while others may not. (One of the purposes for art is to provide something which people can find pleasure in is it not?) There are also those who find other things in erotic art when they can. I am one of those.
Human society and human behavior, and human societal behavior are all things that fascinate me. I also appreciate stories. While not all erotic art I encounter and all erotic art I enjoy speaks to these concepts for me, some of it does and I tend to appreciate that art more. If a piece of art, whether it be a drawling, a comic strip or cartoon series, or something else, presents a story I can get something out of I appreciate it for that even if it does other things for me. This could be through beauty, through detail, and/or through eroticism, amongst other ways art can affect me. Also any work that touches on human behavior, human society, or human societal behavior for me is also something I will appreciate for doing just that whether or not the same work does anything else for me. Some erotic art does little more for me then give me a sexual thrill and that’s okay and to me the art in question can still be, very much, art. My favorite erotic art I have found, both here and elsewhere, talks to issues of human behavior, human society, and human societal behavior.
About the author: norsenerd
Rating: Agree: 294 (69.7%) Disagree: 75 (17.8%) Undecided: 53 (12.6%)
Views: 158557
Before I begin I will present a little bit of background on myself with relation to this site. I am male, 24, and a citizen of the United States if anyone is interested. I discovered this site sometime within this calendar year if I remember correctly. While I do not visit frequently I do so regularly. This is the first time I’ve noticed the blog. I apologize for any insult this may mean but there is a wide verity of material on this site and while I may have found some of the highlights I have certainly not viewed all of the material much less scoured all of the links on the site. But I did find the blog eventfully. As for the material there is some material I think is fantastic while there is some that I consider a waste of time for me to view it.
Andy, you say that “One purpose of art is to make people think, talk and write.” I am of the opinion that art is something that eludes definitions for it is different things for different people. Art has certainly served many desperate purposes and it continues to do so. The purpose art serves varies from individual to individual and is likely different for each one. I think that it is a foolish to hold that the purpose you have in creating and/or viewing the art on this site to be universal. From my perspective I doubt this was your intent but with the one in a half thousand visitors per day viewing the site I think you probably thought there must be someone who shares the same purpose so why hasn’t that someone responded?
My guess is that a portion of your viewership does agree with you and the art on this site motivates them to think, to talk, and to write but chose to do so in a different forum. I consider myself one of these people and I will get to the reasons why I don’t chose a public forum frequented by strangers a bit later. You frustration over few validating or even contradicting your opinions on erotic art betrays that you put your own values on art contingent upon the opinions of others. Otherwise you would be content to give your opinion and let it be out there for others to do with or not to do with as they please. You may not even decide to go that far.
As I’ve already stated, art has different meanings for each individual and each individual’s opinions on art are perfectly valid. I am sure there are plenty of people who consider erotic cartoons art and plenty of people who do not and it is foolish to think that this will ever change as long as people remain human. At present in the society I live in the belief that erotic cartoons are not art may be the “mainstream” position but that means little other then what is corporately sponsored. Erotic art is certainly corporately sponsored but in limit forums: mainly advertising. Why it isn’t sponsored to a large degree outside that one medium is a valid question.
There are plenty of cultures and groups who actively support erotic art, including erotic cartoons. Erotic art is quite alive and well and is in fact flourishing. It isn’t in people’s faces the same way mainstream cinema is thus people have to search for it but it can very rapidly be found. The internet has a great amount of erotic art, there are communities dedicated to erotic art outside of the internet, there are museums featuring erotic art in New York City and elsewhere, and there is plenty else dealing with erotic art in a positive way. Unlike other times in human history, erotic art may not be accepted by the mainstream culture most places in the world but this means little. There is certainly a healthy appreciation of erotic art, cartoons included, amongst humanity
About the author: norsenerd
Rating: Agree: 254 (67.6%) Disagree: 68 (18.1%) Undecided: 54 (14.4%)
Views: 160133
In one of my previous posts I wrote about how erotic cartoons are art too. Well, maybe I have to revise my opinion.
One purpose of art is to make people think, talk and write. This does not seem to be the case with erotic cartoons, certainly not with the ones on this website.
Sometimes I think my visitors are mute and have no opinion. This blog has been in existence for more than half a year, there have been over 150'000 displays of articles and so far my visitors have contributed only a handful of articles and comments. My How old are consumers of erotic cartoons survey has been going for three months now and so far I have only received 39 entries even though it only takes two clicks to take it and there are around 1500 people visiting my site every day. That really frustrates me and I don't know why that is
Looking at it this way, using the making people think and reply the definition of art, one could easily be fooled into thinking that erotic cartoons are not art.
Are consumers of erotic art just that, consumers? I don't know. Maybe it's just the times we are living in. I remember that in the early days of this website when there were much fewer visitors I got much more feedback.
Maybe the internet is not the ideal media to deliver art. Today, especially on the internet, there is an information overload and people just don't have the time any more to take everything in and digest it. Maybe, in order to generate feedback, erotic cartoon art needs to be presented like traditional art in museums and galleries where people have more time, are not distracted and can focus on the subject.
It's a shame that only spamers are taking advantage of the opportunity to express themselves in this blog. Sadly the fact of the matter is that this blog receives twice as much spam in one day as it has received legitimate contributions in its entire existence.
Of course one way to improve this is to change the spam to legitimate contribution ratio. This is where you my fellow erotic cartoon lovers come in. By submitting your own articles or at least commenting on my and other people's posts you can improve this ratio and send those damned spamers into oblivion.
Finally, if you do rate an article and you disagree with it why not write a little comment explaining why.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 318 (73.3%) Disagree: 66 (15.2%) Undecided: 50 (11.5%)
Views: 110456
Where are all the good erotic cartoons websites? This is a question that has been on my mind lately. Like any other webmaster I am always looking for similar sites to exchange links with in order to get a better ranking in the search engines.
I have been looking for both websites and blogs without any luck at all. Blogs are even worse than websites. I could not find a single blog where people actually talk about erotic cartoons. Most of them were just picture posts without comments and if they had any text it was a link to some pay site. I don’t know, do people just want to consume erotic art and humour without thinking about it? I hope not, otherwise I’d be seriously wasting my time.
Luckily the situation is a bit better with websites. There are a few very good pay sites around, like the Jabcomix site that I reviewed in my last post and there are a few free sites like the wacky world of erotic cartoons that show a lot of original art work, promote the artists and are worth while a visit.
Many other sites however are just a bunch of misleading links that send you from one links page to another. A lot of these sites look very similar and eventually they lead you to only a handful of different pay sites. It seems very much like these sites are link farms that are designed to promote a limited number of pay sites that are owned by the same group of people. This annoys the hell out of me.
Let me give you an example. I search Google for “Simpsons porn” and the second site that appears is toonfamilies.net. There I click on the Simpsons link that opens another toonfamilies tab. When I then click on a Simpsons thumb I am taken to a site called alivegirls.com. When I click on another Simspsons thumb there I am taken to a site called cherrycartoons. When I click on a Simspsons thumb there I am taken to a site called allporntoons.com, etc.
This is pure spam. If you are lucky you find a couple of full sized Simpsons pictures somewhere. These sites are giving you the run-around in the hope that you eventually signup somewhere. It’s a shame Google has not caught up to this yet and is still returning such sites at the top of search results.
There must be some good erotic cartoon sites out there but these spam sites just make it harder to find them. So, if you know of any good sites let us know and add a comment here.
About the author: Andy the BOO
Rating: Agree: 316 (75.8%) Disagree: 61 (14.6%) Undecided: 40 (9.6%)
Views: 115100
Hi Andy,
I also like feedback and like you feel a bit lost without it. I'm a member of a few forums and love the chat. The site you have here is a nice distraction as I too like Comic Heroines as not normally seen. I'm more into 3d Art lately using DAZ Studio, but have done a few drawings before now when I was bored in the RAF. I'll dig them out and send you some for your website. Keep up the Good work Andy, you are apprecated....
About the author: Paul aka Flash178
Rating: Agree: 305 (68.8%) Disagree: 72 (16.3%) Undecided: 66 (14.9%)
Views: 112068
Andy, you have a super site and I love the chance of seeing all the free cartoons.
I read your newsletter and saw how disappointed you were to reactions to your blog. I don’t usually read blogs like this, hell I am only interested in the drawings but I thought that perhaps I should give you some feed-back.
Do I need to describe my viewpoint? I assume that you would know that I am one of many who enjoy porn and also enjoy comics. (UK word for full page story books).
Additionally, simple film clips with real people tend to get very similar but comics have stories so hold the interest for longer
Your arguments concerning art are, in my opinion simply aimed to get your particular genre accepted by society in general. (Naturally!) Your chances of that are minimal. It is the subject of the artwork that precludes it from being accepted, not the mechanics. No matter how skilled the artist, all they are doing is depicting the sex act or parts thereof or similar.
I suppose literature could be used as a comparison: porn does not make great literature. Books including descriptions of the sex act do so for more sales. In earlier times it was ‘alluded’ to not displayed. We do not include graphic descriptions of our bodily functions either.
We live by double standards, necessarily so, in my opinion. We have a public and a private point of view. What is acceptable to us publicly is much different from what is allowable privately.
In cartoon form or in porn films although not the subject of this discussion, I love to see all the fine detail of sexual intercourse but would not wish to see the same in a television ad for soap liquid, for example. “A balanced diet helps you fuck longer” does not seem to have an acceptable raisen d’etre for an advert!
Similar views pertain to sexual proclivities, incest and underage cartoons privately yes but publicly no. Simpsons etc are child porn when depicted on porn cartoon sites, as are Jetsons.
All this sort of stuff must stay ‘under the counter’. Your argument on another posting about the number of murders illustrates the point and demonstrates how far the borders have been pushed. When I was a lad the best that one could hope to read was a hand written sex story. Around the early ‘60s I read a printed sex story. Health and Efficiency magazine was the best for nudes and that had the female genitalia air brushed out. We have come a long way and in doing so have created the ‘need’ for more perversion.
In the past it was depictions of straight sex. Later, oral then anal were a requirement. Animal came in somewhere and bodily function appeared. Pain and humiliation although always a ‘secret’ were added. Incest is strange in film or in comic form since it is still only MF to be seen. It could be any male and any female!
Swearing on film has also been brought in over the years to the extent that some films are not watchable to some people owing to the language portrayed. We know they do it we don’t need to hear it.
We have strayed from the point a little but I think that the point is made, Subject not Mechanics.
About the author: No, not some narrow minded person with no experience. An old man with a wealth of experience. Done it all, maybe not all but lot
Rating: Agree: 391 (77.0%) Disagree: 70 (13.8%) Undecided: 47 (9.3%)
Views: 108019
If you are a regular to my site you probably know that I have been advertising the jabcomix website for a while. Recently I have been thinking that it was about time I found out what I am really advertising. So, I have finally decided to spend the 18 bucks entry fee and in this article I will tell you what my impressions are.
The first thing that got me was that the default signup option is 1 month recurring. This means that if you don't pay attention, every month, you automatically get charged USD 17.95 until you cancel. Generally that should not be a problem. Just change the option to a single period, if necessary. You can always signup again later if you want to.
When I first looked at what's there I felt a bit disappointed because I thought there would be thousands of pictures to look at. That's definitely not the case. After a while I worked out that what they have is quality not quantity. This means that you don't have to look at dozens of pics before you find one that you like.
There are parodies, comics, sketches, animations, two strip blackjack games, a forum and news section, a monthly art contest, a poll, a chat, a store and a non-cartoon xxxx section.
In the parody section you can find parody pictures of famous cartoons, movies and games. Even though all the Warner and Hanna Barbera stuff, like the Jetsons, Flintstones and Scooby Doo is missing, this is one of my favorite sections of the site.
In the comix area you can find what most people come to the site for. There are the Ay Papi Cartoons, the Farm Lesson Comics, the My Hot Ass Neighbor Comics, Nurse Stacy, the new Omega Girl and some other comics. Some of the comics are in black and white only but they have started to bring back the original comics in colour. The first one is Farm Lesson 1. Since issue 11, all Farm Lesson Comics are in colour. The latest one is issue 13. Since Ay Papi 11 all issues are in colour. Currently Ay Papi 13 is in the making. I have been trying to work out what makes these comics so appealing and come to the conclusion that there are several reasons. One is definitely sex. The way JAB draws these girls is incredible, they are just sooo hot. Another reason is humour, there is nothing like a bit of hillbilly fun. A third reason might be fantasy. What man has not fantasized about nurses like Stacey or French maids like Monique or a hot-ass neighbor?
You can find some free Ay Papi and Farm Lesson samples on my JAB page if you want to find out what exactly I am talking about.
The new strip blackjack games are fun. You play blackjack against Rita Mae and when you win she takes off a piece of clothing. Unfortunately, I did not play well enough for Rita Mae to do more than just open her blouse. Maybe, they can make the next version so it is a bit easier to win. If you like playing blackjack and need some practice this is definitely a fun way to do it.
I have not spent much time in the forum but it looks like it contains a wealth of information, especially if you are an artist. There is a news section, a drawing suggestions section, an artist’s corner, a writer’s corner, an arts contest, JAB's school of fine porn art and much more.
The drawing tutorial is still waiting for its conclusion but all other sections are finished and quite extensive. If you want to get into cartooning that's definitely a good place to start.
The chat area is fun too and besides other members of the site you can also meet some jabcomix staff members and get some insight in the operations of the site. JAB himself however, does not appear very often. He is just too busy updating the site and working on new stuff.
Site navigation could be improved in some areas so even middle-aged farts like me can quickly find what they are looking for. It took me a while to find the chat area because there is no link to it in the main menu and to get from one area to another it often takes two (or maybe I just couldn't work out how) rather than one click. Once you know how it works this is no problem any more. The navigation in the comic views is excellent however. You don't need to use the back button to get from one page to another and you can easily return to the main menu.
I have a standard ADSL connection and have no problem with page loading times. Usually it takes me 1 to 2 seconds to flip pages in a comic. If you have ever used this site with a dial-up connection, please let us know and add a comment to this post.
The jabcomix affiliate program for webmasters works for me. It is one of the few programs that generates conversions for my site. The only complaint I have about it is that the third party who is handling the clicks and signups is unable to accurately report the clicks. I guess as long as you get signups this doesn't matter very much.
In conclusion I must say that the jabcomix website is a great site and I am definitely very happy to advertise it on my site. Unlike many other erotic cartoon sites, it is genuinely trying to create a great experience for its visitors and JAB and all the other staff members are working very hard to produce new original content and update the site. At the same time they do not give in to the pressure of having to create new content quickly and en mass and only post quality new comics and drawings.
Because of the time it takes for a good comic to be produced and appear on the site I don't think it is worthwhile for the average cartoon consumer to signup for a recurring membership. My recommendation would be to, twice a year buy a monthly membership to catch up with all the new stuff and have some fun in the other areas. If you are a cartoonist yourself, enjoy entering contests and are looking for some helpful resources, a recurring membership may be just worth your while. If you are interested in cartooning and want to get some ideas, the drawing tutorial itself would be worth a once off monthly subscription.
If you want to find out for yourself you can find the jabcomix website here. Please let me know, what you think and post a comment on this blog. If you wish you can even post your own review and I certainly do not mind if you disagree with me.
About the author: Andy, the BOO
Rating: Agree: 366 (74.4%) Disagree: 67 (13.6%) Undecided: 59 (12.0%)
Views: 192436
This might be obvious to many of you. Certainly the people, the artists who submit their work to this site would think so. I am writing this article because many educators and so called art experts, the people who are influencing what the wider public is supposed to consider art, don’t acknowledge this. You simply cannot find erotic cartoons in art museums and galleries and neither is the creation of them taught in art classes..
One way of examining this is to look at the purpose of art. [1] lists religious ritual, commemoration of an important event, social commentary, propaganda, recording of visual data, creating beauty, storytelling and conveying of intense emotion as some of the purposes through the history of art. Some people say, “art is supposed to make you think”, others say, “art is a language”, a way of conveying information without words. Many people say, “art is an expression”, a way of expressing feelings and conveying ideas.
Erotic cartoons and comics share many of the purposes listed above and therefore must be art too. Picasso said, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls” which to me means art helps you escape from your daily worries and relax. This is certainly true for erotic cartoons. Fantasy and humour are two of the main drivers for both the creators and the consumers of erotic cartoons. What better way of escaping the daily grind and relax than to let your fantasy go wild or have a laugh.
Besides the purpose, erotic cartoons have another thing in common with mainstream art. It’s the way they are delivered. Like many famous pieces of art over many centuries, erotic cartoons are sketched, drawn and painted. Some cartoonists, like Babehunter even use techniques like water colouring, which is a technique employed in many famous art works.
Finally, there is the look and feel that some cartoons have in common with famous pieces of art. This became blatantly obvious to me when I first looked at Babehunter’s pictures. [2] reminds me very much of a Tahitian beauty by Gaugin. Another commonness with famous artwork I discovered in Kthanid’s drawings. Just like Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel, Kthanid draws many of his female characters with the muscular body of a male.
Artists show us new ways to see familiar things. In history, pieces of art were often shocking initially but with time some of their ideas become accepted. Looking at it this way, you could say another purpose of art is to contribute to the evolution of human society. In this sense I am hoping erotic cartoons and my website are contributing to the further de-tabooing of sexuality and the removal of the hypocrisies associated with it.
About the author: Andy, just a dumb guy with a website
Rating: Agree: 320 (68.8%) Disagree: 77 (16.6%) Undecided: 68 (14.6%)
Views: 82992
Today's children see about two hundred (for illustration purposes only, not a true figure) murders on TV by the time they are twelve years old. This is something so horrible that hopefully they never have to experience it for real themselves. Explicit depiction of sexual activity, something that is as natural as live itself, on the other hand is much more regulated and the average twelve year old probably has not seen much of it. This doesn't make sense to me. I am not a psychologist but I think this might give the message that violence is more acceptable than sexuality and that somehow sexuality might be something bad.
Obviously I am not saying that age restrictions for sexually explicit material should be removed all together, especially not if the material contains violence as well which is often the case in the Japanese Hentai Comics. What I am saying is that it should be brought into line with the regulations for violent material or rather the other way around.
An other thing of course is that using age as the sole criteria to decide whether a person should have access to certain material is too simple and only works if the age is chosen so high that everyone at this age has the required maturity to view this material. It would be much better to tailor the criteria to the individual person as different people mature differently and usually girls mature before boys. This is very difficult to achieve with a computer program and usually only parents have the knowledge that is required to make an informed decision. Unfortunately parents do not have the time to always supervise their children and kids often know more about computers than their parents and can easily circumvent any parenting measures.
For a while I have been thinking about a maturity test for my visitors. This test would be a small amount of multiple-choice questions the answers to which would determine whether someone was allowed access to my site or not. Ideally there would only be a few questions that could be answered quickly without making the experience too cumbersome for the visitors. Choosing the right questions is the problem, especially since I am neither qualified nor do I have any experience in this field. I am not even sure if it is possible to get any meaningful information at all with, let's say, just five questions. If you have any experience in determining the maturity of a person or just an opinion on this subject, please let me know.
Maybe I am spending too much time thinking about this issue and the percentage of underage persons visiting my website is only very small. That's why I have setup an anonymous, one click survey to get an idea of the average age of my visitors. If you can spare 30 seconds, please take it.
About the author: I am Andy, the BOO (Bilder, Owner and Operator) of this website
Rating: Agree: 322 (66.3%) Disagree: 92 (18.9%) Undecided: 72 (14.8%)
Views: 83084
View the survey - How old are consumers of erotic cartoons
Finally, the results for my "is cartoon porn turning you on" survey are in. I am a bit disappointed with the participation as after more than two and a half months I could only get a total of 68 opinions and heterosexual males gave 55 (81%) of those. This means that I did not get enough data to be able to work out whether there is a difference due to sex or sexual preference. The good news is that only 2 people said that none of my scenarios applied to them. That tells me that my choice of scenarios was pretty comprehensive.
The one thing that I can tell for sure is that most of my visitors get turned on by erotic cartoons. In fact between 84% and 94% of my visitors said that erotic cartoons turn them on. It's 84% if you assume that all the respondents who look at erotic cartoons for various reasons are not turned on by it and 94% if all of them are. What I cannot tell is whether this would apply to people who generally would not look at erotic cartoons as my survey was only taken by people who explicitly looked for erotic cartoons.
8.5% of the respondents stated that they look at cartoon porn for various reasons. This is not a huge but certainly a significant number and it confirms that erotic cartoons can serve more than one purpose.
Disclaimer: I am not a statistician and obviously cannot guarantee that my interpretation of the results and in fact the design of the survey are meaningful. Neither can I guarantee that the collected results are genuine opinions and there is no duplication.
If you are interested in this subject check out the raw data or have a look at the original blog.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 316 (69.3%) Disagree: 75 (16.4%) Undecided: 65 (14.3%)
Views: 72725
Fantasies are a major driver for both the creation and consumption of erotic cartoons. In a cartoon we can do things we cannot do in real life. Thus, cartoons give us the opportunity to live out our wildest dreams. If I were an artist I would know exactly what to draw.
Some cartoonists go even as far as drawing things that would be illegal in real life. This has always intrigued me and can't help but wondering what goes on in the heads of those artists.
As Soulshade puts it, cartoons can let us take a peek into the artist's soul. This means that there is often a bit of truth in a cartoon and the artists might be revealing something about themselves that they would not normally not talk about.
That's why, as a man, I am very much interested in the cartoons of female artists. The fact that the cartoons are drawn by a female does not turn me on. I am rather hoping to learn something about the inner workings of the artist and with it about the inner workings of women in general. Ha ha ha, you never know when such knowledge could come in handy.
The other thing with cartoons is of course that the same cartoon can trigger different thoughts in different people. This must be why cartoons like the Simpsons are so successful and last for such a long time. They appeal to a wide spectrum of viewers because they are open to the viewers' own interpretations and work on many different levels. For instance, this would be why cartoons such as the Simpsons appeal to both Adults and Children.
In some respect cartoons are like books, they come alive in the viewers imagination.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 382 (71.5%) Disagree: 81 (15.2%) Undecided: 71 (13.3%)
Views: 107145
Reading the newsletter about people not giving any feedback to Andy made me think about the whole erotic cartoon scene in general... I think artists creating free erotic cartoons must have it pretty hard... There are lots and lots of artists creating very great stuff, but as erotic cartoons are just considered porn, there are a lot of people uncomfortable speaking about it... And even if this were not the case, a lot of people do not contact creators of stuff they like 'cause they fear they will be just one of thousands of fan letters that just annoy the receiver...
I try to tell people if I like stuff they created, especially if there is a way to do it online, as this is a nice way around the whole "I'm embarrassed to discuss porn" issue, but still I think that a lot of artists never get the appreciation they deserve...
To make up for it, I'm gonna list a few artists I'm really grateful to... I love Kthanid and Pandora's Box, they are the first artists that come to mind... Mouseboy also has a stil I like, although most of his stuff is to homoerotic for my taste... Looking through my like I also wanna add BBMBBF, Col.Kink and blagsnarf, as theirs are also pages I visit quite often...I bet I'm forgetting lots right now, but this should be enough for now...
And last but not least a big thanks to all those folks like Andy, that help us receive toons by our favorite artists *clapsHands*
About the author: Just anonymous lurker
Rating: Agree: 537 (76.0%) Disagree: 94 (13.3%) Undecided: 76 (10.7%)
Views: 106644
Whether cartoon porn or erotic cartoons as I prefer to call them are a turn on or not is a question that has been asked more frequently lately as cartoon websites seem to be booming. The answer to this is not straight forward as there are many genres of cartoon porn and not every viewer is turned on by the same things. Some people say there are only 3 genres in erotic cartoons, hentai, anime and 3D. I would also name comic strips and drawn single frame jokes as categories and depending on what is actually shown on these pictures, they could be subdivided even further. I would say it is definitely possible to to be turned on by cartoon porn but not every cartoon porn picture is doing it for everyone. Often cartoons are not even intended to turn on their viewers. Sometimes, they are supposed to make their viewers laugh or tell a story or just make them think about something. For instance, an Australian caricaturist whose name unfortunately evades me once drew a cartoon of John Howard, the Australian prime minister being used as the tool in Georg Bush's rectal examination. This picture could have been called cartoon porn but it definitely was not a turn on. However, it was very amusing. Many of the erotic parodies of famous cartoon characters such as the Simpsons have a more humorous than sexual effect. On the other hand the "Get Girl" pictures on Jean Paul's girl-e-toon website are a definite turn on. I think it really depends on whether the cartoons are just a depiction or exaggeration of the body or a sexual act or whether they also contain a story or a message. Of course this is my, a man's point of view and it could well be that this is completely different for women and women can easily be turned on by stories. Another important factor is fantasy. If a cartoon happens to hit on someone's sexual fantasy it can easily be a turn on. In many cases this can be as simple as over sized breasts or genitals. All in all I can say that cartoon porn serves many people and many purposes. It is definitely not just there to turn people on.
About the author: I am Andy, the BOO (bilder, owner and operator) of this website
Rating: Agree: 610 (78.5%) Disagree: 90 (11.6%) Undecided: 77 (9.9%)
Views: 89637
View the survey - Is cartoon porn turning you on?