Let's talk about erotic cartoons. This is my now closed erotic cartoon blog where you could express your opinions about erotic cartoons, sex comics and adult jokes. If you had anything to say about this subject you could do it here. Due to too much spam and no real submissions I have closed this blog for public submissions. It was too much work moderating the plethora of spam I was getting every day. If you want to post a genuine article on my site, please email me and I will post it manually for you. The survey section will remain online for the time being.
You probably have noticed some changes on my website. That's because I have been working very hard to convert it to the latest version of HTML and make it work on devices with various screen sizes like mobile phones and tablets.
It is a big job, there are hundreds of pages and programs with tens of thousands of lines of code that need to be looked at and I am learning new things as I go along.
I hope to have it all done by Christmas but I cannot give any guarantees.
I hope you like my work so far and I'd love to hear what you think. I would appreciate if you could take my 20 second survey, which I will setup shortly, and let me know.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 210 (61.6%) Disagree: 59 (17.3%) Undecided: 72 (21.1%)
Views: 103580
Take the survey - Do you like the new mobile device friendly design of this site
In my Warner and Fox survey I asked whether you agreed with Warner and Fox trying to eradicate erotic parodies of their cartoon characters from the net.
Most respondents, 56 (80%), disagreed with Fox and Warner. This did not come as a surprise. Many people come to this website looking for sexually explicit drawings of Fox and Warner cartoon characters. What did come as a surprise was that 8 respondents (11.5%) said they would complain about this or never watch a Fox or Warner movie again. I am very interested to know whether they really did this. If you are one of these respondents, please contact me or leave a comment on this blog. I am affected by this greed-driven policy personally but I could never give up watching the Simpsons. Of course, I would never pay to watch a Simpsons cartoon.
8 respondents (11.5%) agreed with Fox and Warner. If you are of this opinion, please let me know why.
6 respondents (8.5%) did not care about this issue. This number is a bit lower than I had expected but then if you did not care you would not bother taking the survey neither.
Last but not least nobody was prepared to inform on websites that are posting sexually explicit characters of Fox and Warner cartoon characters.
The numbers of this survey match the poll results of my original article quite well (Agree: 205 (89.1%) Disagree: 14 (6.1%) Undecided: 11 (4.8%))
As usual the participation in this survey was extremely lousy. Considering that over the period this survey had been running, smuttytoons would have had over one million visitors, less than a hundred responses is a bit disappointing.
LOL, I better stop the whining and finish off. If you have anything to say about this issue leave a comment or contact me via email
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 423 (64.5%) Disagree: 67 (10.2%) Undecided: 166 (25.3%)
Views: 93521
I finally can present the results of this survey. As expected most of the respondents, 86%, were for an erotic cartoon story and fan fiction section on this website. Only 7.6% did not care and nobody did not want to have a story section on this website. 6.5% even had a story that they wanted to submit for publication.
Of course the subject of this survey was such that it was more likely for people who were interested in erotic cartoon stories and fan fiction to take the survey but the results nevertheless make it clear. There is a definitive interest in written cartoon sex and as soon as I have some spare time I will add page to my website.
In the meantime, if you have a story that you want to publish, send me an email so I can link it to one of my existing pages.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 381 (70.7%) Disagree: 72 (13.4%) Undecided: 86 (16.0%)
Views: 106818
There is a lot of cartoon fan fiction out there and many people write erotic stories about their favorite cartoon characters.
So far, I have not published many stories at all on this website. The only artist so far to submit stories was Kthanid who submitted the Rutwell Forest stories. Of course comics have stories too, certainly all of Gerard's Operative Zero comics do but that's not what I am talking about here.
As I have received a Disney story by MouseWriter, I am wondering whether you guys would like to see more erotic cartoon stories on this site.
To find out I have setup a little two-click survey which I'd like you to take. If there is enough demand I might setup an erotic cartoon story section.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 379 (68.4%) Disagree: 102 (18.4%) Undecided: 73 (13.2%)
Views: 119900
View the survey - Do you want to see erotic cartoon stories and fan fiction on this website?
I have been running this site for over 10 years and it's about time I set a couple of things straight. For the viewers who prefer a video I have recorded this little video. It looks very unprofessional but was a hell lot of fun to do.
I am getting a lot of requests for drawings and compliments on "my" art. The thing is I am not an artist. I have no drawing talent at all. I am just a programmer who owns and operates this site. All I do is adding pages and pictures and answer emails. Artists or fellow cartoon lovers are providing all the artwork.
In the beginning of the site some artists did not have a scanner and they used to send me their original artwork, which I scanned and posted. At the very start of the site I stole some pictures from other sites. Hence, "Andy's stolen cartoon collection" but that could not have been more than 50 and there are now over 15'000 erotic cartoons on this site. Kthanid alone has contributed over 2'000 and Mouseboy over 5'000 individual drawings.
So, if you have any requests for art or want to tell an artist how much you enjoy their erotic cartoons tell them directly. Most of the artists on my site have a link to their email address at the bottom of their page. Of course if you have any general comments about the site you can still contact me.
The other thing I want to set straight is that many people think this is a commercial site, which is operated by a number of staff. This is definitely not the case. I am the only person behind this site and I do all the hard work in my free time. Unfortunately I have to work for a living and can only spend my free time on updating smuttytoons. That's why sometimes it takes a few days for me to answer emails or add a page or picture.
About the author: Andy
Rating: Agree: 344 (67.1%) Disagree: 90 (17.5%) Undecided: 79 (15.4%)
Views: 290071